
North American Thought Combine, Inc. is a creative think tank. They develop concepts, promotional campaigns, gifts, novelties, toys, electronic gadgets, hardware items and animated characters for the global marketplace. Among its long roster of creative associations, Thought Combine has worked with Hasbro, Proctor & Gamble, and Johnson & Johnson, and in partnership with these manufacturers licensed properties and characters from Disney, Warner Bros., Sesame Workshop and Nickelodeon. Whether developing internally generated projects or consulting with clients, Thought Combine brings together the talents of top professionals assembled from every creative, artistic and marketing discipline.
Ben Gorbaty, principal of North American Thought Combine, has spent his professional life focusing on new product development and licensing. Ben has worked with and represented numerous artists, concepts and properties as well as a wide variety of creative groups. He is involved in all phases of production, including initial concept, targeting potential licensees, structuring deals, day-to-day communication between licensors and licensees, all the way through to the sample and approval stages. Ben is a creative producer with hands-on experience in the development of everything from animated character properties to innovative hardware products. He has successfully designed and developed products in a wide variety of categories including gifts, home furnishings, toys, consumer products, and one-of-a-kind concepts like Glow-in-the-Dark Band-Aids.
North American Thought Combine puts projects together. They develop and license concepts to major manufacturers and are compensated on a royalty basis.

Creative think tank